Monday 17 May 2010

132. Spices Back Check Up.

Today Spice had her appointment with a Chiropractor to double check that the lameness wasn't due to a problem with her back....and i am very pleased to say that after a thorough check the chiropractor thought the same as i did - that the lameness was primarily being caused by the lack of structure in Spices hind hoof. Therefore, it is just a matter of waiting for the hoof to grow until it has enough structure to support itself again. :)

I am so happy with the diagnosis as i was worrying that the lameness could be being caused by something more serious but i am now confident that it isn't.

The good news is the Chiropractor also advised me to start hand walking Spice out and about as much as possible as movement will encourage blood flow and speed up hoof growth. So, as soon as i get some hoof boots for her front hooves i should be set to go.

Interestingly, the Chiropractor also made a comment about Spices withers which when pressed on either side were slightly sore. Having only used my new treeless saddle twice for only an hour at a time she said that she very much doubted that the soreness was due to this saddle but probably due to the last saddle and that given that it was over 4 months ago since i used the saddle was probably incredibly sore at the time which explains so much...

For one, Spice always moved away from the mounting block as i went to mount her so could it be that rather than being disrespectful or misbehaving she was actually just sore?

Fen, my friends horse only a few weeks ago was so bad at standing still at the mounting block that on her own (without anyone standing in front) it might take her up to 2 minutes to mount her. However, wondering if it could be a problem with her back (after a bucking fit) she had an appointment with the Chiropractor and was immediately diagnosed as having a problem with her Sacroiliac joint and needing four weeks off, aswell as long reining and lunging before attempting to ride her again. After following these instructions, the next time my friend went to get on Fen, she didn't move an inch. In fact, my friend didn't even bother holding the reins she stood that still.

So, once again...horses don't just 'take the piss' sometimes they are genuinely just trying to tell you something and those that LISTEN to their horses and TRUST them are those that i consider to be good horsemen (and horsewomen) :)

If we do not listen to our horses and trust them - how can we expect them to do the same?

The Chiropractor i used to assess Spices back is based in North Somerset and can be found on the following website:

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