Friday 7 May 2010

123. Genetics - Thoroughbreds

Today i had the vet come out to see Spice as two of her hooves on her left side are still warm to touch and i thought she might have some thrush in her frog so wanted to make sure that it was that and not another abscess brewing.

The good news is the vet checked her hoof over with hoof testers and came to the conclusion that it wasn't an abscess and that she just had a mild case of thrush (probably due to her flat soles).

She said that i might have to shoe Spice in view of the fact that she has flat soles which could simply be due to her genetic conformation and therefore never likely to change making her more susceptible to bruising and abscessing.

In view of this i have decided to ask the farrier to look at her hooves and give me his opinion aswell as also talking to my barefoot trimmer about the matter.

I think at the moment i just want Spice to be happy and sound again which she hasn't been since going barefoot.

Having given it 4 whole months, with 24/7 turnout, a good diet and regular trimming i would now have expected her to be sound on grass and 100% ride-able but she isn't and i can't ignore this fact.

The vet has recommended a two week course of danilon in the hope that the inflammation in her hooves will decrease and the on-off lameness issues will cease. So, we will see how she is doing in two weeks time.

If it IS her genetics then i can only say that i think there should be a law against those that breed horses who clearly have no idea what they are doing. Breeding what was once such an incredible asset to the horse out of its genetics and leaving it with a hoof so poorly formed to the point that it would not survive without metal shoes on is in my view Barbaric, grossly irresponsible and simply unforgiveable.

It's like forcing two humans with genetically poor/weaker teeth and then breeding them again and again and again until they get to the point where by the age of 13 they have to have all their teeth replaced with false teeth.

Do those who breed race horses have no care for horses hooves? and should those that are clearly unqualified be allowed to breed?

Today, i cried on my friends shoulders because i was so tired of thinking about Spices i feel guilty putting her through this? Yes...of course but i know that i have done every single thing with her best interests at heart. I was prepared to give up my time, money and enjoyment for the sake of giving her a healthier set of hooves and this decision was based on anything but selfishness.

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