Sunday 23 January 2011

236. As sound as ever...but will it last?

I managed to capture Spice hoonying around the field with the rest of the herd today and she is now completely sound which is a brilliant sign...but we will have to wait until we take her off the antibiotics next week to see if this is permanent.

It's lovely to see her so happy and well again, i just hope it lasts...

In the meantime, i went to see my friend go show jumping today which reminded me just how much i miss riding.

Needless to say with a round like that Alice came 1st and 2nd in both classes out of 32 contestants! But ironically had the cheapest and scruffiest pony there!

Wednesday 5 January 2011

235. Almost sound...

Today i walked Spice out around the block and trotted her up for the first time since she started her course of antibiotics and was delighted to see that she is near enough completely sound. She had heaps of impulsion and showed no signs of discomfort so if the antibiotics do manage to fully clear the infection it looks like she is going to be fully sound and that no lasting damage has been done which is obviously great news. However, having seen her sound just a week before she went down hill with the bone infection i do not want to get too excited as it will only be when she is taken off her antibiotics for at least a month or so that we will be able to say whether or not she is in the clear.

Having now been injected every day for the last 4 and a half weeks Spice is beginning to become increasingly reluctant about having her injections but we have found that changing the place and time at which we administer it has helped as she doesn't 'expect' it and therefore doesn't get 'worked up' before hand. She is quite obviously sore from being prodded so many times but changing the injection site from one side of the neck and one side of the rump to the other has helped. She is so well natured bless her - it's almost as if she knows what we are doing is for her own good.

It would be a dream to have my baby in 3 weeks time and then be able to start riding Spice again...