Saturday 15 May 2010

128. Vets, Farriers, Barefoot Trimmers, Chiropractors, Instructors, and Physios...

Today was the first day in a while that Spice actually trotted up to the gate on my arrival. So, i think she is feeling slightly better than she was yesterday....I even watched her canter around the field for a while which was a lovely reassuring site.

The day before yesterday i spoke to my barefoot trimmer, Sarah, who is so far one of a very few number of professionals i have met in the horse industry that is truly passionate about their welfare. You can tell that she is saddened by the way in which most horses are treated and that she always puts the horse first. She even said she wouldn't even ride a horse that wasn't hers due to the fact that she would feel as though she would just be 'using' it having not spent any time developing a bond with it.

She is 'all about the hoof' but has an incredible 'way' with horses. My friend recently said to me that in order to make a decision with regards Spice i had to put my trust into someone (which so far i have found hard to do) - for various reasons. But she's right i do need to trust someone and last night i decided to start trusting my barefoot trimmer - not only because i think she has a really kind soul but also because she is a hoof specialist and who better to help Spice through her transition than someone who knows the hoof inside out? In my view, 'most' vets are like GPs they know a bit about everything but not 'enough' about each thing. Most farriers are probably brilliant at shoeing and doing remedial work to the hoof but again because they haven't specialised in how to transition a shod horse to being unshod are they likely to be the best person to put your trust in?

I trust my barefoot trimmer on a personal level not just because of what she is but because of who she is. I love people who are passionate about horses to the point where they put them first and i believe my barefoot trimmer has this kind of passion...i only wish more professionals did.

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