Sunday 28 March 2010

85. Creating impulsion without force

Had another brilliant day today. Since Spice is still in her barefoot transition phase we decided to take our horses for a walk around the village through a field with a stream to see if we could get them to jump it. Knowing that Fen the naturally more confident horse out of the two of them has an issue with water we thought it would make a valuable learning exercise and it really did...

As we approached the stream with Fen in front and Spice behind Fen had decided that she was not going to cross it. It didn't seeem that Fen was scared of the water for she showed no real signs of fear but it seemed that she just didn't see the point and would rather not. Spice on the other hand quite literally leaped at the chance and showed no hesitation whatsoever, in fact she was so quick to jump it she almost landed on top of me - note to self stay well clear of landing zone! In the meanwhile Fen and Alex continued to be as persistent as each other with Alex saying 'come on' and Fen saying 'No'. Watching this i kept hearing something i had read in my head...'if your horse isn't doing what you're asking it to, you're not asking it the right way.' So, i was wondering what else Alex could do... She had walked through the water to show Fen that there was nothing to be afraid of, she had asked Fen to follow her using 'pressure' and 'release' she had given her time to put her head down and sniff the water, she had walked onwards in the hope that Fen might follow and she had tried to create impulsion by trotting her up to the edge but absolutely nothing was working. How could we create the impulsion Fen needed to jump?

Determined not to give up as a last resort Alex suggested that i stand at Fens hind quarters and put pressure on them whilst she stand in front hoping that Fen would follow her lead. Within a matter of seconds we had her jump across - it was as easy as that. Two or three claps and waves of the arms aimed at her hind quarters and heaps of encouragement from Alex at front and Fen was over.

To make sure it wasn't just a flook and we really had cracked it Alex wanted to do it again and within a minute using the same technique she was over.

No actual physical force or pressure was needed just energy.

It was a wonderful victory for both Fen and Alex and a really valuable lesson for all of us. I don't doubt that next time Alex attempts to take Fen over the stream she will be over in seconds and i commend Alex for her perseverance and ability to remain calm and collected throughout the process. At times like this it is so easy to lose your temper and resort to violence and learn nothing but fortunately Alex was patient enough to allow herself the opportunity to learn an invaluable lesson and strengthen the bond she has with Fen.

Well done Alex and Fen. One of my best days yet!

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