Sunday 14 March 2010

72. Day 19 Spices hoof abscess & Groundwork

So, it's now day 19 of Spices hoof abscess and it's barely draining at all now which is good because she is no longer at all lame which would indicate that it has almost healed. I did notice today that it seems to be draining from the back of the coronary band too but only slightly and in a way i think it is easier if it drains from here as there is no contact with the ground where it may be prone to becoming re-infected or clogged up.

I can't wait to start actually doing stuff with Spice, at the moment i've just been leading her in walk and trot around the yard...backing her up, making her stop, and yielding her hind quarters etc which has been great because every day i have seen a marked improvement in the way she responds. She is finally 'following' my every move and actually 'listening' to me and looking to me for direction. I have found that the less force i use the more willing she is to respond. She teaches me every day that i don't need to use force i just need to ask using the correct body language and she will willingly oblige.

I find Spice quite special because as a naturally nervous horse she often has to cope with feeling very anxious and listening to me at the same time but the more i ask her to listen to me the more she seems to want to listen to me. She is a pleasure to work with so honest.

As soon as i can stop poulticing her hoof which should be in two days time my plan is to lead her around the block for around 15-20 mins so we can come face to face with any demons and work through them. I want to be able to feel confident that i could lead her almost anywhere before i actually start riding her out again as if i can't do this i don't think i stand a chance on her back.

I feel as though Spice is the kind of horse that will just give and give and give once i become her leader, i actually get the feeling that she wants to please me.

She no longer hesitates when leaving the yard and the best thing of all is she never walks away when i go to catch her - this tells me that she would rather be with me than not and that i am not putting too much pressure on her.

I am going to start making some videos of our training sessions soon so will be posting them on here as a diary.

Very excited...

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