Saturday 3 April 2010

89. Horses and Fear

Today i decided to take Spice for a walk around the village as i knew i only had a few minutes before the rain would start. And since the owner of the yard was mowing one of the lawns i thought it could create a nice little bonding exercise...I was proven right...

As soon as Spice heard the noise of the mower she immediately began to question whether we should continue on our route and asked me if i was sure i didn't want to go the other way. Since i was 100% sure that the mower wasn't going to harm us i told her i was quite certain that i wanted to continue on our route and that no harm would come to either of us. Spice then said '...well i'm still quite scared but if you really think it's going to be o.k then i'll come.' I said, 'good girl spice, i know you're scared but trust me it will be o.k.'

A few steps later as we got closer to the mower (which at this time was still out of sight) the noise of the mower was louder and Spice again hesitated and said...'are you absolutely 100% certain that you want to go this way? cos we could easily turn round and go this way.'

'Yes 100% certain couldn't be more certain in fact, it's just a mower and as far as i know they have never initiated an attack on a human or horse.'

'Ooooh... i hope your right...' Spice said 'cos i'm really scared and i haven't really heard that noise before. For all i know it could be some sort of beast behind that hedge.... but you seem to be convinced that it isn't and i guess you've been right every other time you've said that somethings o.k so....let's go check it out but lets creep along so whatever it is doesn't hear us and keep that lead rope slack so i can be sure that i can run away if i have to....'

'O.k Spice, look i haven't really got hold of this lead rope, you could run away at any time but trust me you wont have to....'

'O.k i trust you, let's go....Ooooohhhhh....i'm so scared oooooohhhhhh..i sure hope you're right about this...'

'ooooooooo' Spice says 'that's what that noise is....listen nat just let me just have a look at this so i can remember what it looks and sounds like so i wont have to waste all this nervous energy on it next time i hear it.'

'O.k spice you have a good look at it and when you're sure you've imprinted it on your memory we can go for our walk in peace yeah?'

'Yeah, o.k it's in there, let's go.'

'O.k come on' :)

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