Wednesday 17 November 2010

217. Bit by bit...

Bit by bit Spices wound seems to be finally healing...i still haven't touched it for the last 5 days and all i can say is that it seems to have improved far more than what it would have done keeping her in her stable with it bandaged up!

Wound... As you can see from the picture below the wound has completely dried up and has been covered over with a nicely formed scab mixed with a bit of mud...there is no discharge coming from the wound whatsoever...

Swelling...The swelling has gone down substantially but the whole hock area is still inflamed...I am hoping this will continue to go down as the wound heals...

Protruding Bone...The protruding bone is not nearly as obvious as it was...

Dissection... I'm pleased to say this isn't Spices leg but a leg of a horse who had had a very hard life and as a consequence had to be put down. Learning about the functions of all the different parts of the leg gave me an insight into how important movement/circulation is to a horse - there's a reason why horses need doors and locks on their stable doors...

It saddens me to see that some horse owners would rather keep their horses in when it is raining and risk the health of their horses than turn them out for fear of them getting cold and wet...

The picture below was taken today in the pouring rain when the temperature was approximetely 5 degrees but as you can see none of the horses are rugged up and instead of staying under the huge shelter where the owner had put haylage they prefered to stand outside exposed to natures elements...

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