Friday 15 October 2010

201. To poultice or not poultice?

Unfortunately after a nice scab formed over Spices wounded hock she went and knocked it off whilst in her stable (probably when lying down) which re-opened the wound and allowed bacteria to get in :( So unfortunately it seems to have got re-infected.

She has been on antibiotics for 10 days now which do seem to be helping but there is still a tiny bit of pus showing on the cotton wool i use to clean it twice a day.

Not knowing what to do for the best (after leaving it uncovered for the last 10 days in the hope that the air would get to it and it would start to heal) a couple of the other liveries suggested i apply a wet poultice to it in order to draw out the remaining infection. Not knowing whether this was the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do i went along with this in the hope that their 20 years worth of experience over my 18 months worth would prove to be superior. So fingers crossed this is the case and it looks better tomorrow...I think if the wet poultice does manage to draw out the rest of the infection it might be worth just applying a dry poultice to help protect the wound whilst it heals which i'm hoping will not take too long.

However, i must admit i am beginning to worry. :(

I wonder what would have happened to Spice in the wild if this were to have happened...would she have made a full recovery naturally? or would she have been struck down by infection and become too lame to survive?

I can't help feeling anxious tonight...if it was somewhere more fleshy where there wasn't any bone involved and it wasn't making her lame i think i'd be fine but i can't help but think that the infection is too close for comfort to her hock joint and that ultimately this could be very serious if it is not controlled and dealt with effectively.

How the woman in the video below coped is beyond me. I consider myself to be quite strong when faced with such challenges but for some reason i can't help but fear the worst at the moment.

Please Get Well Soon Spice X

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